Open Firmware - Recommended Practice: Generic Names

Version 1.4, Approved Version

December 30, 1996

Published by the Open Firmware Working Group.

This document is a voluntary-use recommended practice of the Open Firmware Working Group. The Open Firmware Working Group is an ad hoc committee composed of individuals interested in Open Firmware as defined by IEEE 1275-1994, related standards, and their application to various computer systems.

The Open Firmware Working Group is involved both in IEEE sanctioned standards activities, whose final results are published by IEEE, and in informal recommendations such as this, which are published on the Internet at:

Membership in the Open Firmware Working Group is open to all interested parties. The working group meets at regular intervals at various locations. For more information send email to:

Last Changed: 12/30/96 by R. T. Coffin, Technical Editor

Table of Contents

Table 1. Revision History
Version      Date      History
Version 1.0  03/01/96  First version of document.

Version 1.1  04/11/96  Added an authorized-by section to 1.0, extended scope to
                       add who the recommended practice applies to, modified
                       Generic Names List (Guide line 1), and added Generic
                       Names to table 1.  Editorial changes were also made.

Version 1.2  08/07/96  Added definitions (Section 2.2).  Edited Guildeline 1
                       name list (removed 'other', added 'interrupt-controller',
                       'fddi', 'fcc' & 'atm').  Removed material in Section
                       3.0., Generic Names per proposal #358.  Made
                       Section 6.0 an Information Section and removed PCI Class
                       Codes Table 1 (Referenced the PCI binding).  Added new
                       Section 7.0, 'Compatibility Information'.

Version 1.3  09/23/96  Added new or changed generic names to Guideline 1
                       list ('fdc', 'fiber- channel', 'ssa', 'pc-card',
                       interrupt-controller & 'dma-controller' ).  Removed
                       'old'  Section 6.0 (Contents moved to PCI binding
                       ).  Removed references to PCI Bus.    Made editorial
                       changes to 'new' Section 6.0, compatibility.

Version 1.4  10/21/96  Made Version 1.4 an Approved Version.  Made numerous
                       editorial changes; changed all property quotation marks
                       to computer format ones, corrected spacing and spelling
                       of 'fibre-channel'.


1. Introduction

This Generic Names Recommended Practice was authorized by the Open Firmware Working Group accepting Proposal Number 251.

1.1. Purpose

The rules for device naming described in Reference [1] attempt to simultaneously accomplish two objectives:

These objectives conflict with one another. For human use within a device path, a brief name that suggests the device's function is preferable. For use in determining an appropriate operating system device driver, an explicit, unique name that includes the manufacturer name and the detailed programming model information is preferable. Attempting to accomplish both objectives with a single name often results in a name that is unsatisfactory for either purpose.
Historically, implementations have often adopted a mixed approach, using brief names for built-in devices and verbose names for plug-in devices. This approach has the problem that the name of a particular device may be different depending on whether the device is built-in or plug-in. Also, because of the tension between the conflicting objectives, different manufacturers chose different trade-offs, some sacrificing uniqueness in favor of human readability and others making the opposite choice.
There is no inherent reason why a single property ("name") must be used for both purposes. The "compatible" property already participates in the OS driver selection process, and if the first component of that property's value is an explicit, unique name, precise driver matching will result, even if the "name" property's value is a brief generic name (e.g. "disk").
Furthermore, the use of generic names does not defeat the purpose of unambiguously choosing a a particular device within the device tree through the use of a device path. The fundamental means for ensuring unambiguous node names is the unit address component (the portion after the "@" character, which matches the first entry of the "reg" property's value). The driver-name component (which matches the "name" property's value) is inherently unreliable for the purpose of precisely choosing a particular device, due to the possibility of multiple identical devices at a given level of the device tree. Since, in the most general case, the unit address component must be used to distinguish two devices of the same type, the increased probability of name space collisions that would result from the use of generic names does not cause loss of functionality. Indeed, it is not unreasonable to think that some users might prefer to distinguish two display device by the device paths:

/pci/display@2 and /pci/display@4

as compared to:

/pci/IBM,v915 and /pci/number9-723

As already noted, OS driver selection software almost certainly prefers to have the explicit information contained in, for example, IBM,v915, but the software can get that information from the "compatible" property as easily as from the "name" property.

1.2. Scope

This recommended practice changes the naming conventions for device nodes, affecting plug-in cards, Open Firmware system implementations, and client programs.
Applies to all new recommended practices and system, bus and device bindings. Existing bindings may choose to accept this recommended practice for future revisions as appropriate.

2. References and Definitions

2.1. References

[1] IEEE Std. 1275-1994, IEEE Standard for Boot(Initialization Configuration)Firmware:Core Requirements and Practices, published by IEEE.

2.2. Definitions

device: Normally, a particular hardware implementation of a function. Sometimes, a particular definition of an abstract implementation.
emulated device: A device, usually an older device, with which the device claims compatibility. The newer device claims to emulate the older.
emulating device: A device, usually a newer device, that claims compatibility with another, usually older, device.

3. Generic Names

Because of the difficulties that result from using name for two conflicting purposes, and since that dual use is unnecessary, the working group recommends the following guidelines for future devices:
Guideline 1: "name" property values must be generic, reflecting the device's function, but not necessarily its precise programming model. If appropriate, the value should be one of the following listed below:
· disk
· fdc
· tape
· pci
· pc-card
· vme
· sbus
· scsi
· ide
· isa
· keyboard
· display
· mouse
· sound
· ethernet
· token-ring
· fddi
· fcs
· fibre-channel
· atm
· timer
· memory
· printer
· serial
· ssa
· rtc
· nvram
· scanner
· interrupt-controller
· dma-controller

The Open Firmware Working Group may define additional generic names in future recommended practice documents or binding documents. For devices that do not fit in any existing generic category, the developer may request that the working group establish a new generic name, or may use an explicit name prefaced with a manufacturer name and a comma.
Guideline 2: The "compatible" property must be present. Its first component should be an explicit, unique name that identifies the device precisely enough to be able to infer the detailed programming model from that name. The for at of that explicit name is manufacturer,model, as specified by the "name" properties of plug-in devices (see Reference [1], page 162).

4. Effect on OS Driver Selection Code

An operating system that implements the driver searching technique that Reference [1] recommends for the "compatible" property (see Reference [1], page 127) is likely to require no changes as a result of this recommended practice. If a "name" property has a generic value, the search for a driver matching that generic name is likely to fail, but the next step of the search (using the "compatible""name" property.
It is possible that the operating system will find a driver matching the generic name, and that said driver will not be the correct one. However, this is not a new problem, because generic names have already been used in the past for built-in devices. Consequently, an operating system that does not already have a mechanism for resolving or avoiding such false matches is likely to have problems eventually, with or without the proliferation of generic names.

The following suggests some possible techniques for dealing with such false generic matches.

a) In collections of OS drivers, avoid the use of generic names for the drivers themselves. For example, it is generally unwise to name a driver ethernet, since there are many different ethernet adapters with different programming models. Using the generic name ethernet to identify only one such driver is presumptuous.

b) Separate the OS's name spaces for drivers for real hardware devices and pseudo-drivers (collections of support routines that are used by real drivers). Some operating systems load such pseudo-drivers using a mechanism similar to the mechanism used for real drivers. Pseudo drivers often perform generic functions that apply equally well to, for example, all ethernet adapters, independent of their low-level programming models. Consequently, it is reasonable to use generic names (e.g. ethernet) for such pseudo-drivers. Separating the name spaces of real drivers and pseudo-drivers avoids false matches from generic device names to generic psuedo-driver names.

c) Make the OS's driver search mechanism depend upon the device's parent. In other words, separate the OS's driver name spaces so that drivers for devices that attach to, for example, PCI bus can be distinguished from those that attach to, for example, ISA bus. This reduces the range over which false matches can occur.

d) For cases where false matches are unavoidable (for example, if there is an existing driver with a generic name that must be retained for backwards compatibility) allow the drivers that can be incorrectly matched the possibility of rejecting the match. One technique for doing so is to for the driver to inspect the compatible property to ensure that it is appropriate. Another common technique is to have the generic driver probe the hardware to see if it behaves as expected (although this technique can cause problems).

5. Existing Devices

Existing devices with explicit names need not change. The recommended search techniques continue to work correctly with such devices.

6. Compatibility (Informative)

This section discusses compatibility concerns and implications associated with the strings identifying device compatibility in the Open Firmware "compatible" property.

6.1. Historical Perspective

Historically, one of the problems with devices that identify themselves is that they have a choice: they can identify themselves accurately, or they can identify a well-known product they claim to emulate. If they identify themselves accurately then there is a backwards compatibility problem; existing software will not recognize new hardware, even if the new hardware is a pure superset of the old, supported, hardware. If, on the other hand, they identify themselves as an older product that they emulate, the identification is incorrect or misleads humans and makes it difficult for software to take advantage of added features or work around imperfections in the implementation of the emulation.

6.2. Compatibility Intent

Open Firmware's "compatible" property attempts to address these concerns by allowing both precise identification of the device and explicit identification of other devices with which this device is compatible. The intent is that if softwar does not have explicit support for this particular device but does have support for one of the devices with which it is compatible, the software will be able to function and correctly operate the device. Because the device may have features in ad ition to those supported by the compatible device, the software may not take full advantage of the hardware.
This recommended practice takes this one step further, by noting that the attributes or characteristics that a particular device is MOST compatible with it is itself, and requiring that the device itself be the first entry in the " compatible" property.

6.3. Hardware Programming Interface

Ideally, the hardware programming interface of a new device that is compatible with an old device will be exactly the same as, or a pure superset of, the interface supported by the old device. This means not only that the device is capable of operating in a compatible fashion, but that the firmware will set it up to operate compatibly.
In particular:

6.4. Open Firmware Properties

As with the hardware interface, Open Firmware Properties must be the same as, or a pure superset of, the defined Open Firmware Properties of the emulated device.
In particular:

6.5. Open Firmware Methods

Again, the methods supplied must be the same as, or a pure superset of, the defined properties of the emulated device.
In particular:

6.6. What does compatible NOT imply?

Compatibility does not imply the following:

6.7. Real World Perspective

Two devices are seldom perfectly compatible. New functionality often requires a tradeoff with the older and seldomly used functionality. Subtle undocumented behaviors are often different. While the comments above imply absolute compatibility , in reality, placing a device into a compatible list is subjective and results in a judgement call by a vendor. If the newer device is compatible with all but a few never-used interfaces of the old, it may be appropriate to call it compatible even though it is not strictly a superset. The vendor must decide whether the customer's best interests lie with the ability to, most likely, use the new hardware with existing software, or with an absolute guarantee of compatibility. No simple set of rules can say how to make this decision; it will depend on the exact device and its market. This gray area is why it is absolutely essential that all devices identify themselves precisely as possible so that, in the event that there is an unexpected incomptibility, the software can take appropriate device-specific corrective action. Even when a new device is designed to be a perfect emulation of an old, it is best to identify the new device distinctively and list the older device after it in "compatible".